Jeremy Kidwell

Jeremy Kidwell

Associate Professor in Theological Ethics

University of Birmingham


I am an interdisciplinary scholar, trained in ethics and constructive theology based in the School of Philosophy, Theology and Religion at the University of Birmingham. I give regular talks, workshops, and seminars on topics like climate change, data ethics, and design. I am passionate about building the commons - and am an advocate for open source, open data, and open educational resources.

In my research, I confront the ecological crisis by interrogating the ethical issues that lie at the intersection of “nature” and “culture” ranging from ecological ethics, activist studies, religious conceptions of labour and the philosophy of technology. I work in the mode of a field philosopher allowing an ethnographic and quantitatively generated understanding of grassroots problems and interests to illuminate my constructive ethical reflections.

  • PhD in Theological Ethics, 2013

    University of Edinburgh

  • MA Theology, 2009

    Regent College (Vancouver, Canada)

  • BA in English and BA in Music, 2002

    Seattle Pacific University


Divergent Cultures
Bringing scholarship in design to reflect on neurodivergent spiritualities and undercommons.
Divergent Cultures
Hacking Religion
Developing more robust ways of using ethical hacking and data science to understand theology, spirituality and religion.
Hacking Religion
A QR-PSF funded project that deployed the first large scale academic study in the UK (n=1008) asking people of colour about their opinions and experiences of climate change.
Time Reckoning
Exploring how people develop ways of navigating and situating time.
Time Reckoning
A teacher fellowship project designed to enhance the UK RE curriculum in schools to help pupils engage in new learning around religion & ecology.
Crafting the Commons
Led by Amy Twigger Holroyd (Nottingham Trent University), this trans-disciplinary project brought together artists, designers, and scholars to explore new and old forms of commoning.
Crafting the Commons
Festival Cultures
Led by Maria Nita, this project explored methodoplogies and alterities around festivals not just as a place for merriment and liminality but also political and ecological formation.
Festival Cultures
Extinction & Religion
A project which explored the intersection of extinction studies, theology and religious studies (2018-2024)
Extinction & Religion


Recent & Upcoming Talks

How to listen to forests